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Magna Carta 1215

Magna Carta: The Charter of English Liberties

Background and History

The Magna Carta Libertatum, also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms or Magna Charta, emerged as a charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215. It was created under the threat of civil war, sparked by the king's oppressive policies and exorbitant taxation demands.

Key Features

The Magna Carta established several fundamental principles that shaped the English legal system and influenced constitutional governments worldwide.

  • Established the principle of due process of law, ensuring that no one could be imprisoned or harmed without a fair trial.
  • Limited the king's authority and established the concept of the rule of law, declaring that even the sovereign was subject to the law.
  • Established the right to property and the importance of protecting citizens' possessions from arbitrary seizure.

Legacy and Significance

Magna Carta remains a significant historical document that has had a profound impact on legal systems across the globe. Its principles of due process, rule of law, and protection of property rights continue to shape constitutional frameworks and guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens in many nations.
